Detox and Feel Good Again Program
Are you confused about what to eat?

Is food affecting your health and causing unwanted symptoms?
Something is just not right, and you know it.
  • You are tired all the time.
  • ​You have tried every diet there is, but you just can’t lose weight.
  • ​You are having trouble remembering, focusing and thinking clearly.
  • ​Your sugar cravings are out of control
  • ​Your stomach is bloated, and you feel heavy and lethargic.
  • ​You are constipated most of the time.
  • ​Your hair and nails are dry and brittle, and your skin is prone to blemishes, dry patchy areas, eczema or psoriasis.
  • ​You can’t remember when you had a good night’s sleep.
  • ​Your body has so many aches and pains that most days you feel much older than you really are.
Most of these symptoms are very commonplace these days.

They may be common, but they are not  NORMAL.

Your body is sending out an SOS.

You need to pay attention and address these symptoms NOW or they will eventually lead to chronic conditions that will dramatically alter the course of your future.

The first step is to start feeling better quickly.
Group Detox and Feel Good Again Program
The Detox and Feel Good Again program is a game changer and has produced dramatic results such as:
  • Weight loss
  • Increased energy
  • Stable moods
  • Reduced cravings
  • Lifting brain fog
  • Improved focus, concentration, memory
  • Relief from headaches, aches & pains
  • Relief from bloating and gas
  • Clear, radiant skin
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Improved sleep
  • And more…
If you think you are eating healthy and don’t feel good…
Most of Dr. Maita’s clients are “healthy” eaters so they don’t think the message necessarily applies to them.

Healthy foods you have enjoyed eating for years without a problem may now be causing symptoms. The symptoms are often not digestive so you may not associate them with your diet. Chronic skin conditions, migraines, allergies, asthma, reflux, fatigue, body aches and pains, bloating, chronic constipation, and difficulty focusing, concentrating and remembering are all common signs of a food sensitivity.
It is a simple 3-step process
The turnaround can happen much quicker than you may think, but only if you take the right steps. 

I will show you how. The only perfect time to start is RIGHT NOW.

I will guide you through the process of eliminating common foods that are known to be problematic. These foods must be completely removed from your diet for several weeks to determine their effect on your health and well-being. It is very empowering when you discover for yourself the root cause of your problems.
What you add back into your diet is just as critical as what you take away. To experience optimal health and lean body weight, you need to give your body nourishing food. Replacing a cookie with a gluten-free cookie will not give you the results you are looking for. I will show you how to put together delicious meals that fit your taste and lifestyle.
Your body is miraculous. When you feed it the right food and give it some exercise, sleep and sunshine, it will renew itself and restore you back to good health. I have witnessed the miracles happen in clients at every age.
Our Caring Team Is Ready To Serve YOU!
Choose Your Health Optimization Journey
Program Features
A Detailed Look At The Metabolic Reset Program
What's Included:
Daily Nutrition & Lifestyle emails to educate, motivate, and inspire.
Recipes, shopping lists and meal plans
Food & Mood Journal in secure portal
4 Weekly Group Zoom meetings.
Access to nutrition coach 7 days a week via secure text
Step by step elimination and reintroduction to discover problematic foods. 
Real People - Real Results
Here is how clients are evaluated and what they are saying: 
The MSQ (Medical Symptom Questionnaire) evaluates the symptoms of your health in 15 categories. The higher the score the more symptoms and/or greater severity, the lower the score the less symptoms and severity. This helps target what you most need to work on. 

Improved Mood, Energy Weight, Pain and Migraines 

Petra was suffering from migraines, fatigue, weight gain, cravings, irritability, joint pain and menopause and an autoimmune disorder.

 She lost 10 pounds and feels calmer and sleeping better. Emotions (mood swings anxiety irritability) went from 7 symptom severity to 3 symptom severity, energy doubled, Headaches went from a severity of 4 to 0 and sleep 3 to 1, Joint and muscle aches 22 to 8, shortness of breath 3 to 0, memory 3 to 0. What an improvement!

A New Woman

Mabel was suffering from menopause symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, muscle and joint aches and anxiety. Her eyes would get puffy, and she would bloat when eating. After our program she got remarkable results. She stated that her skin is nicer, smoother and looks better, and people are noticing it. Her hot flashes are reduced, she is sleeping better. brain fog from sinuses have gone away. Medical symptom questionnaire went from 99 symptoms to 20! Belching, gas, stomach pain went from 6 to 0, Emotions and moods swings from 8 to 2, Fatigue 10 to 0, Bags under eyes 4 to 1, Joint and muscle pain 10 to 3, Memory and concentration 15 to

Newfound Health Energy, Sleep And Moods

Maria, a perimenopausal woman suffered from anxiety her whole life as well as PMS, inability to stay asleep, nasal congestion, muscle tension and low energy. After completing our program, she had remarkable results. 

She started with 83 Medical symptoms went from 83 to 19 symptoms in just 2 weeks! Anxiety and PMS are gone! She sleeps better. She also learned a lot and has the tools and the resources to maintain her newfound great health, energy, sleep and moods. 
Attend our Group Q&A session on February 28, at 7PM EST live on Zoom!

If you can't attend, and still have questions, schedule some time to speak to Kathy.
Meet Kathy D’Agati,
 your Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach 
Lorraine Maita, MD
Kathy D’Agati
Kathy D’Agati, Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach and Certified Gluten Practitioner is healing-foods crusader driven by her passion to end our modern-day epidemic of autoimmune disease and chronic conditions like acid reflux, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and persistent weight gain to name a few. Her most recent studies also focus on the powerful healing effects of food on the brain.

Kathy’s compassionate coaching educates, inspires and empowers her clients to achieve their long sought-after goals. Using her many years of training and experience, she quickly identifies the obstacles that derailed success in the past and finds innovative ways to move beyond the barriers to achieve lasting success. Kathy is a 2007 graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition with a certification from Columbia Teachers College. Kathy studied with Dr. Tom O’Bryan, a teacher at Functional Medicine University, and became a Certified Gluten Practitioner in 2016.
What Our Patients Have To Say
Still Need Help Choosing the Right Practice?
Here is what’s included: 
  • Daily motivational and instructional emails
  • Recipes, shopping lists and meal plans
  • ​Food & Mood Journal in secure portal
  • ​4 Weekly Group Zoom meetings.
  • ​Access to nutrition coach 7 days a week via secure text
  • ​10% Discount on supplements
The Feel Good Again Institute • 51 JFK Parkway, First Floor West, Short Hills, NJ 07078 • Phone: (973) 218-1199